FAA Services

Avision is an FAA approved UAS Service Supplier of the Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability (LAANC) and approved to provide B4UFLY Services. Avision has integrated LAANC and B4UFLY into its platform to provide drone pilots with safety and airspace awareness prior to flight, and the opportunity to receive approval to fly in controlled airspace (under 400’) through Avision App.
Airspace Authorizations through LAANC
The FAA’s Low Altitude Authorization and Notification Capability, integrated into Avision App, offers commercial and recreational pilots great flexibility in requesting digital and near real-time airspace authorizations within controlled airspace.
FAA B4UFLY Service
Avision provides recreational flyers with safety information and airspace awareness prior to flight through the FAA’s B4UFLY service. Pilots can access B4UFLY through the Avision app without registration, or sign up for a free account to take full advantage of our product.
Frequently Asked Questions
Flying a drone safely for the hobbyist and professional alike, requires a good understanding of regulations and reliable tools to manage compliance. Avision simplifies flying by offering a range of services to plan, authorize, and execute operations effortlessly.
How and when can drone pilots use LAANC?
- Drone pilots planning to fly under 400 feet in controlled airspace must receive an airspace authorization from the FAA before they fly.
- LAANC automates the application and approval process for airspace authorizations and is available to pilots operating under the Small UAS Rule Part 107 or under the exception for Recreational Flyers.
- To qualify under Part 107, you must register your drone and hold a Remote Pilot Certificate
- Recreational flyers must take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) before they fly.
- Avision provides airspace authorizations to both Part 107 pilots and Recreational Flyers.
How and when can recreational flyers use B4UFLY?
- B4UFLY is available to the public and is designed to help recreational drone flyers understand important safety and airspace information prior to flight.
- Recreational flyers can use B4UFLY to be aware of the airspace at a particular location and understand the requirements needed to fly there.
- B4UFLY displays controlled and uncontrolled airspace, maximum authorized altitudes near airports, restricted or prohibited airspace and other safety information.
- Recreational flyers must take The Recreational UAS Safety Test (TRUST) before they fly.